Jan 11, 2023

Brilliant to Do Business With Means Being Brilliant For You.

We’ve got a great thing going with you, our First Mates. And, to continue our fabulous relationship, we’re putting in the work to support your success and keep you cashing in.

Virgin Voyages is Brilliant For You

When we launched last year, we launched with a promise for you: to be Brilliant To Do Business With. And, just as we’ve evolved into smooth sailing and showing your clients the time of their lives (and showing you the money), that promise is evolving.

Now we’re Brilliant For You, and that can mean a lot of things, from being Brilliant For Your Career to being Brilliant For Your Experience. This next, exciting phase of our partnership is concentrated on continuing to build your business and further your success. To do that, we’re sharing our four areas of focus:

When it comes to earning for the work you do booking your Sailors on the best vacations of their lives, you can kiss those asterisks goodbye. We take you to the bank with 16% commission on voyage fare, always, and no NCFs…ever. And that’s not just 16%; it’s 16% on a sailing with a higher fare than many other cruise lines and travel products. 

Then, when you set your Sailors up with pre-voyage bookables to make their getaway truly the greatest — including airfare, hotels, Shore Things, and Bar Tab — you’ll earn 10% commission on those (even when your Sailors add it on their own). Just as we want to see your Sailors ecstatic over the experience when they’re sailing away, we want to see you loving the cash that you’re banking away.

Proof is in the numbers (and in your Sailor’s smiles); a 95% satisfaction score speaks to the extraordinary experience we deliver for your Sailors. And, with an industry-leading onboard booking rate exceeding 40%, the high likelihood of your Sailors returning again for a future sailing—on which you still earn, no matter how they book it—means that each booking you make is really more like 1.4 bookings.

Our epic experience goes beyond what your Sailor’s enjoy on board, however; it’s also about your experience of partnering with us. With the lucrative My Next Virgin Voyage program that delivers commission for you even when your Sailors rebook on board, and our innovative LetsGoBook personal link to fast-track converting leads and confirming bookings, it’s clear that we have your success always in our sights.

You’re more than our First Mates; you’re our first line of ambassadors and we know how integral it is to have first-hand experience. So you can count on access to exclusive events, both in-person and virtual, as well as entry to SeaCiety, our social community of more than 20,000 First Mates with invaluable experience, where we share news first and announce incomparable opportunities (like the Spectacular Soiree!). 

And we can’t forget Seacademy; our virtual training program and winner of two Gold Magellan awards speeds your knowledge of selling Virgin Voyages and leaves the snooze-fest saga of never-ending training modules to other lines. You’ll become a five-star First Mate in five hours, and completing Seacademy also opens the gate to First Mate rates and additional opportunities, not to mention that Gold-level Seacademy agents are 15 times more likely to make bookings. 

We’re all-hands-on-deck ready to support you and your Sailors, and we’ve got the dedicated crew for you, no matter the Q. Our Sailor Services team is primed to handle all booking-related inquiries. Or reach out to Brilliant Support for technical, web-related needs. Then look up our Learning Development Representatives for all things Seacademy. 

For solutions for your success, our sales and marketing Shore Crew is ready with guidance to help you take your business to the next level. We’ve even got an email hotline (commissions@virginvoyages.com) just for questions about your commissions. No matter where, when, how, or why, we’re here to support you.

Your trust and partnership through our first year of sailing mean the world to us, and we are so excited for the incredible continued success that the future — our future together — has in store. Our ambition is to always be Brilliant For You. Thank you for your support.

Brilliant For You
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