Jul 26, 2021

Onboard with respect and integrity

Once and for always, we honor your client relationships. It’s this respect and integrity that helps to keep us Brilliant To Do Business With, and it shapes how we communicate with you and your Sailors.

Respect & Integrity Image of a Hand Shake

Once and for always, we honor your client relationships. It’s this respect and integrity that helps to keep us Brilliant To Do Business With, and it shapes how we communicate with you and your Sailors.

When we connect with you, First Mates, our focus is on delivering effective, efficient, and transparent communications. Earth’s surface is 71 percent ocean, and we bet your inbox is at least 71 percent full. We get it — your time is valuable, so we make it count.

When we have a need to connect with your Sailors, our focus is maintaining your relationship while gathering the basic info necessary to ensure they have the absolute best experience on our lady ships. See exactly how we communicate with your Sailors by viewing the pre-departure Sailor Journey (and stay tuned for a peek at the post-booking Sailor Journey, too).

And when your Sailors are on board with us, we don’t forget who got them there. If they book a future voyage while still at sea, you will be a part of it; bookings made during a sailing still register in your First Mates account.

After all, we want our Sailors to return to you with awe and an impatience to come right back on board, saying that not only was their voyage the best week of their year but the best vacation experience of their lives.

Your partnership means the world to us as we introduce Virgin Voyages to the world. Our ambition is to always be Brilliant To Do Business With. Thank you for your support.

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